Paul Farrell

UK born and educated, Paul is a professional geophycist by University degree & training. After years globe trotting discovering oil, Paul semi-retired to Queensland’s Gold Coast in the early 1980’s where his London childhood passion for rebuilding and racing bicycles was rekindled. “Robbie McEwan and many top pro riders were all part of my local club which proved inspirational in my future career”

Clearly seeing the technical benefits composite materials could bring he founded the first Australian “composites only’ racing bicycle brand “Leggera” (Le-jer-ra = Italian for ‘light’) in the late 1990’s. His journey into the highly technical and ever developing world of advanced composites had commenced.

He later acquired the small Teschner alloy-frame brand and combined both into the Teschner Technologies Group (TTG).

Knowing that “being there” is the key to understanding and controlling Asian production, Paul returned permanently to Asia in 2007 where his reputation, built over the preceding 7 years working within Taiwanese composite bicycle factories, preceded him.

LTI, initially a purely technical consulting and design company, was born. Today it is one of the largest independent consulting groups; representing a team of 12 technical associates and the commercial interests of many of the world’s most respected bicycle brands.

In 2012 Paul was awarded a rare Industry Gold Medal for outstanding technical advancement services by the Chinese Government.

Paul has been a continuous member of the exclusive APEC Business Leaders club for the past 7 years.